Monday, April 20, 2009

Today Kennedy is ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cant believe my little girl is one today. She is getting so big and doing so much these days. The year really has gone fast but we have so much more to look forword to:)

Happy Birthday Kennedy

Kennedy and her shades.

We love our baby girl.

Kennedy had cake from her hair to her toes.

Let me outside:)

First cake I have ever made. It didnt turn out too bad. I had help from Grandma so that helped.

Kennedy and the boys.

Getting so big

Happy 30th birthday dad:)

Dress Patrick bought Kennedy when she was born. Thought it would be funny to see how it fits her now. It's alittle short.

Happy Easter

Friday, April 3, 2009

11 months

Kennedy loves taking Zeeker's bone. Doesnt Zeek look so happy about it.

Grandma York got Kennedy a red wagon for her birthday. She loves it as you can see. She is in it with her cousin Brady.

Look at those rolls. She is thinning out a bit now that she is crawling around everywhere:)

Happy St Patricks day

Mom and Kennedy went to the parade downtown and then hung out at the park. It was a great day:) daddy was at work:(

Kennedy and mommy